

View All School Year (Students) School Board Community Events. 2020-21 Student Calendar 2020-21 Calendario Estudianti 2020-21 Teacher Calendar 2020-21 Board Meetings 2020-21 Attendance & Report Card Periods. Modal body text goes here. Customizable calendar menu for iOS (13.0 or later), written in Swift 5. UIControl subclass for date / week / month selection; I18n / i10n aware; Themable; Example. Run the example project: $. Ready to get started? To get started enter your school registration key. If you don't have one please ask your school for it.

With this meal planner collection from Canva, you can motivate yourself with a new template every week. Start with something simple by selecting a minimalist theme, or go wild and embrace our colorful, modern patterns.

The date picker gives you a standardized way to let users pick a localized date value using touch, mouse, or keyboard input.

Get the Windows UI Library

Windows UI Library 2.2 or later includes a new template for this control that uses rounded corners. For more info, see Corner radius. WinUI is a NuGet package that contains new controls and UI features for Windows apps. For more info, including installation instructions, see Windows UI Library.

Platform APIs:DatePicker class, SelectedDate property

Is this the right control?

Use a date picker to let a user pick a known date, such as a date of birth, where the context of the calendar is not important.

If the context of a calendar is important, consider using a calendar date picker or calendar view.

For more info about choosing the right date control, see the Date and time controls article.


XAML Controls Gallery

If you have the XAML Controls Gallery app installed, click here to open the app and see the DatePicker in action.


The entry point displays the chosen date, and when the user selects the entry point, a picker surface expands vertically from the middle for the user to make a selection. The date picker overlays other UI; it doesn't push other UI out of the way.

Create a date picker

This example shows how to create a simple date picker with a header.

The resulting date picker looks like this:


Formatting the date picker

By default, the date picker shows the day, month, and year. If your scenario for the date picker doesn't require all the fields, you can hide the ones you don't need. To hide a field, set its corresponding fieldVisible property to false: DayVisible, MonthVisible, or YearVisible.

Here, only the year is needed, so the day and month fields are hidden.


The string content of each ComboBox in the DatePicker is created by a DateTimeFormatter. You inform the DateTimeFormatter how to format the date value by providing a string that is either a format template or a format pattern. For more info, see the DayFormat, MonthFormat, and YearFormat properties.

Here, a format pattern is used to show the month as an integer and abbreviation. You can add literal strings to the format pattern, such as the parentheses around the month abbreviation: ({month.abbreviated}).

Free Printable Monthly Menu Planner

Date values

The date picker control has both Date/DateChanged and SelectedDate/SelectedDateChanged APIs. The difference between these is that Date is not nullable, while SelectedDate is nullable.

The value of SelectedDate is used to populate the date picker and is null by default. If SelectedDate is null, the Date property is set to 12/31/1600; otherwise, the Date value is synchronized with the SelectedDate value. When SelectedDate is null, the picker is 'unset' and shows the field names instead of a date.

You can set the MinYear and MaxYear properties to restrict the date values in the picker. By default, MinYear is set to 100 years prior to the current date and MaxYear is set to 100 years past the current date.

If you set only MinYear or MaxYear, you need to ensure that a valid date range is created by the date you set and the default value of the other date; otherwise, no date will be available to select in the picker. For example, setting only yearDatePicker.MaxYear = new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(900, 1, 1)); creates an invalid date range with the default value of MinYear.

Initializing a date value

The date properties can't be set as a XAML attribute string, because the Windows Runtime XAML parser doesn't have a conversion logic for converting strings to dates as DateTime / DateTimeOffset objects. Here are some suggested ways these objects can be defined in code and set to a date other than the current date.

  • DateTime: Instantiate a Windows.Globalization.Calendar object (it is initialized to the current date). Set Year, or call AddYears, to adjust the date. Then, call Calendar.GetDateTime and use the returned DateTime to set the date property.
  • DateTimeOffset: Call the constructor. For the inner System.DateTime, use the constructor signature. Or, construct a default DateTimeOffset (it is initialized to the current date) and call AddYears.

Another possible technique is to define a date that's available as a data object or in the data context, then set the date property as a XAML attribute that references a {Binding} markup extension that can access the date as data.


For important info about date values, see DateTime and Calendar values in the Date and time controls article.

This example demonstrates setting the SelectedDate, MinYear, and MaxYear properties on different DatePicker controls.

Using the date values

To use the date value in your app, you typically use a data binding to the SelectedDate property, or handle the SelectedDateChanged event.

For an example of using a DatePicker and TimePicker together to update a single DateTime value, see Calendar, date, and time controls - Use a date picker and time picker together.

Here, you use a DatePicker to let a user select their arrival date. You handle the SelectedDateChanged event to update a DateTime instance named arrivalDateTime.

Get the sample code

Calendar/menu Board

  • XAML Controls Gallery sample - See all the XAML controls in an interactive format.

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